√ ポケモンgo xs 159039-ポケモンgo xsリーグ
ポケモンGOiPhone XS/XS Max への機種変更はNG! フィールドやゲッチャレの画面横幅が狭くなる点に注意! ポケらく(管理人)Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE Answers by Konohayui 5 years 1 month ago There is no differences I have a tiny (XS) Poliwrath and a normal size Poliwrath But my tiny Poliwrath has better IV Also, I have a XL Clefable with bad IV, but the normal size Clefable's IV is 96% Up 0 Down Xs Project Pokemon Go On Hard Bass Crew ポケモンgo xsリーグ